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  • Writer's pictureDan Nettell

#ManicMonday means Maintenance Monday

"It's Monday! My favorite day!" - No one. Ever.

But it IS a great day to reset from the weekend and your most recent guest(s) at your #AirBNB. I prefer to call this a Maintenance Monday and take stock of anything that needs doing: inventory re-supply, a maintenance walkthrough for any bumps or dents in furniture and walls, and trash round-up.

Part of getting started with your short-term rental should have been to establish a walkthrough checklist with your cleaning team. Since they always will be the first sets of eyes inside the property, these critical teammates are the folks you need to make sure have a direct line of communication to you, whether that's yourself on your smartphone or a virtual assistant/operations director through a central communications tool (i.e. Slack or WhatsApp).

Case in point: our team found one of our recent furry friend's favorite section of stair trim during this stay:

Base trim gnawed down by a guest's dog

The image above was sent straight to Dan less than an hour after the cleaning team arrived. This allowed plenty of time for prompt follow up with the guest and to coordinate the repair person for this property to get it patched before the next guest arrived.

Having maintenance walkthrough checklists and proper communication procedures could be the difference between getting or just missing a 5-star review from your incoming guest. This will help keep you on Page 1 of the property search rankings in your market, which will keep your home consistently booked. If you haven't checked in with your manager or co-host lately, ask how they're tracking consistent inspections of your property to guarantee it's in the best shape possible.

For creating and maintaining walk-through checklists, here are some examples of softwares you can try:

  • Turno (great marketplace for sourcing cleaning professionals and maintaining checklists)

  • Breezeway (an integrated digital tracking system, excellent for multiple properties)

  • Hospitable (an all-in-one property management system, or P.M.S., that centralizes your listings, houses your maintenance lists, and invites cleaners or teammates to access those lists)

If you need guidance on how you can improve your own maintenance systems to keep your AirBNB or short-term rental in top shape, drop us a note at or set up an introductory call HERE .

Have a great week out there!

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